Free Study Material

Free Study material from Core Education

Welcome to Core Education, your Premier destination for high-quality Free Study material dedicated to empowering students at all levels of education. Whether you are in school or college, Core Shiksha offers an extensive collection of resources to support your learning journey.

Role of Core Education in providing free Study materials

At Core Education, we are committed to providing accessible and dependable study materials for students worldwide. Through our flexible platform and dedicated team of contributors, we strive to make education inclusive, free and accessible to all.

Key Features of These Study Material

 • Ease of use,

• Handy and crispy

• Point out the facts

• Updated with new and latest facts

• Easily accessible anytime, anywhere with

Free study materials for Government Exam aspirants

• Detailed Notes Exam-wise

• Complete topic Subject wise

• In-depth Covering of each topic

• Previous year question papers

• Syllabus – Vacancy-wise

• Current Affairs

• Toppers story

Free study materials for college students

College Notes: Access detailed notes on a wide range of subjects and topics to supplement your classroom learning.

College projects: Look for career ideas, guidelines, and role models to excel in your academic endeavors

University Question Papers: Prepare for your university exams with past question papers and solutions.

Previous Year Question Papers: To improve your exam preparation, you can get previous year question papers of all Universities and Colleges.

• Free online courses: Expand your knowledge with free courses from leading online platforms like LinkedIn Learning, YouTube courses, and Coursera etc.

Free learning materials for students

NCERT Books: All subjects and courses can access digital copies of NCERT textbooks, which are compatible with the later syllabus.

NCERT Solutions: Erase your doubts and understand the concept thoroughly with step-by-step NCERT textbook question solutions.

NCERT Exemplar: Use NCERT Exemplar and solutions designed to enhance your problem solving skills for highly complex topics.

CBSE Notes: Include short and comprehensive notes in your classroom study for CBSE Board Exams and are also valuable for building a foundation for official exams.

CBSE Question Papers: Use previous years question papers and sample papers to excel in your exams.

Other Sources of Free Study Material in India

1. Government Services: Government initiatives including the National Digital Library of India (NDLI), e-PG Pathshala and e-Yantra are aimed at providing free access to educational sources for students across the United States. These projects focus on increasing digital literacy and promoting open access to knowledge.

2. Educational Portals and Websites: Similarly, education portals provide free access to National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and National Program for Enhanced Technological Learning (NPTEL) materials, textbooks and online books is managed with the help of experts in these areas, in line with the nationwide curriculum.

3. Non-profit organizations and NGOs: Non-profit organizations and NGOs occupy an important position in selling training and providing a flexible approach to the legacy of disadvantaged college students. Organizations like Pratham Books, Teach for India and Akshayapatr Foundation are providing simple educational materials, scholarships and support services to needy college students

4. Open Access Repositories: Open get right of entry to Shodhganga, hosts a wide range of teaching resources such as DSpace@MIT, and arXiv, including academic papers, dissertations, and dissertations These repositories have open access to ideas, and provide researchers, students, and scholars have unrestricted access to scholarly resources

5. MOOC platforms offering free courses: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) programs such as SWAYAM, Coursera, and edX offer free books on a wide range of topics, including Technology, Age, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM).

6. Educational YouTube Channels in Hindi and Regional Languages: Educational YouTube channels in Hindi and regional languages ​​will provide video tutorials, lectures and demonstrations on various academic topics. Channels like ExamFear Education, Unacademy, PW and Study IQ Education cater to the language preferences and learning needs of Indian students.

7. Social media groups and pages for students: Social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram set up groups and pages dedicated to education. These groups provide a space for students to share learning materials, ask questions, and engage in class discussions with peers and instructors.

8. Online forums and discussion boards:  Online forums and discussion boards like Quora, Reddit, IndiaStudyChannel and others are forums where students get academic support, share knowledge and engage in discussions on various topics. These events facilitate peer learning and collaboration between students from different backgrounds.

9. Peer average forums and communities: Peer sharing platforms such as, ResearchGate, and Scribd allow researchers and students to share course papers, course materials and research content. This conference promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration between researchers and students around the world.

Core Education is committed to provide Free Study material to students all over the world, here students/ aspirants can access all resources they need to succeed academically. With our commitment to excellence and excellence, we aim to empower students around the world to achieve their educational goals. Start exploring special education today and begin your journey to academic success!